Zero to 180 – Three Minute Magic

Discoveries of a Pop Music Archaeologist

Tag: Tom Finn


“Desiree”: 30 Hours in the Making

I met John Simson around the time Zero to 180 had first hung out a shingle and was grappling with its mission and scope.  After explaining the website’s concept to Simson, I remember asking if he might suggest any overlooked songs worthy of celebration.  Much later, I would learn the

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"Let Go Of You Girl"

The Left Banke: Early Clavinet ’67

A big breakthrough in Zero to 180’s lifelong quest to identify the “first clavinet recording“ — Michael Brown plays a Hohner clavinet on “Let Go of You Girl” from The Left Banke’s debut album, released February, 1967 (i.e., 2 months before John Sebastian’s “6 O’Clock“): “Let Go of You Girl” The

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