A number of notable names in pop music have recorded jingles for Coca-Cola, and — incredible as it might seem — a few of them came out surprisingly well.
- Sydney, Australia’s Easybeats pull off the nice hat trick of writing an unabashed ode to a soft drink that is – at the same time – an infectious piece of rock ‘n’ soul, possibly from 1966:
[Pssst: Click the triangle above to play The Easybeats’ mid-60s Coke ad.]
- Alex Chilton’s Box Tops craft a soul pop nugget that gets a boost each time the bass trombone makes an appearance — recorded in 1968, I’m guessing:
[Pssst: Click the triangle above to play The Box Tops’ late-60s Coke ad.]
- The Moody Blues disguise the product placement rather adroitly with this tuneful slice of mellotron-driven psychedelic pop from 1969:
[Pssst: Click the triangle above to play The Moody Blues’ Coke ad from 1969.]