Zero to 180 – Three Minute Magic

Discoveries of a Pop Music Archaeologist

Mad Magazine’s Multi-Groove Flexi-Disc

Remember the Las Vegas Roulette record with the multi-groove in which the tonearm stylus randomly selects (at least, in theory) one of 38 separate grooves – one for each slot on the roulette wheel – so as to allow partygoers the ability to play roulette from the comfort of home?   That’s right, you, too, can be the croupier.  Spoiler alert:  House always wins.

Fabulous Las Vegas Roulette LP-jr

In 1980, Mad Magazine pulled off an even more ambitious vinyl feat:

A “multiple-grooveflexi-disc!

45Cat’s 23skidoo rightly emphasizes —

A random groove record.  A different ending (usually) is heard each time the record is played.  Very rare for a flexi-disc to have this feature.

It’s a Super Spectacular Day” [all 8 endings]

Frank Jacobs & Norm Blagman (1980)

45Cat lists Mad Magazine flexi-discs from 19611981

I am grateful to have had a neighbor growing up who allowed me to borrow freely from his 1960s collection of Mad Magazines — the best educational supplement a kid could ask for.

Mad Mag-sing along-a+Mad Mag-sing along-b+

Check out the hyper-minimalist animation video that Casey Killingsworth created for the 1980 disco update of Mad’s 1961 belch-rock hit, “It’s a Gas!”

The “Rock Revolution” as seen through the lens of Mad Magazine


Mad Mag-guitar-a+Mad Mag-beatles 68-a

In 2011, someone forked over $100 for a vintage copy of Mad’s debut (and only) LP.


Mad Mag-ringo+

vs. Stones, man

Mad Mag-jagger+mag

Beatles vs. Stones:  1-0

On February 7, 2014 Mad Magazine posted the following announcement:

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the Beatles’ arrival in America!  And in order to thoroughly commemorate, celebrate, salute and pay tribute to this historic event, we present the only time that all four Beatles appeared on our cover [September 1968 cover above with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi] — which is still one more MAD cover than the Rolling Stones ever had!

Mad Magazine’s Don Martin gets in on the act

Mad Mag-beatles 65+

Management requires I insert a plug for Zero to 180‘s Facebook page – like it or else!


LINK to Multi-Groove Records

LINK to Jimi Hendrix

LINK to The Beatles

LINK to The Rolling Stones

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