Zero to 180 – Three Minute Magic

Discoveries of a Pop Music Archaeologist

“Dogs Pt. 2”: Keith Moon’s Jukebox Joke

Back in the days when the jukebox was king, casual music fans often had not a clue that Top 20 hit “Pinball Wizard” happened to contain one of the nuttier B-sides (i.e., drum solo of sorts) that must have provoked, one must imagine, rather lively – and possibly angry – discourse when selected for play at a restaurant or drinking establishment:

Dogs Part 2

The Who (1968)

Keith Moon‘s furious fills are a thing to behold on this hilarious and flip (literally) “sequel” to lesser-known 1968 Who single, “Dogs” — their last desperate run at the charts (“only” #25 in the U.K. while – according to The Who‘s own website – this song would find “no release” in the U.S.) before 1969’s Tommy would prove to hit commercial pay dirt.

Uncut‘s “Track by Track Guide to The Who’s Greatest Hits” decodes the songwriter credits behind this manic drumming workout:

A musically unrelated instrumental sequel, “Dogs Part Two,” later became the B-side of ‘Pinball Wizard’ [#4 U.K., #19 U.S.], credited to messers Moon, Towser and Jason; the latter two ‘composers’ being Townshend and Entwistle’s actual mutts.

In case you are unfamiliar with the prequel to “Dogs Part Two,” note how musically dissimilar these two songs happen to be.

Love how this Malaysian 45 depicts 1965-era Who on a 1969 release

Pinball Wizard 45


LINK to companion piece about The Who

posted one day apart!


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