Zero to 180 – Three Minute Magic

Discoveries of a Pop Music Archaeologist

Category: B-side breakout hits

60s/70s rock +/- pop

King 45s That “Bubbled Under”

My ambitiousness got the best of me with the posting of the two-part history piece, “Quirky 45s That Bubbled Under (1959-1976).”  If you go to Zero to 180’s home page now (as of April 2020), you might be frustrated that it takes so goshdarn long to finish loading all the

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45 sides +/- obscure tracks

Quirky 45s That “Bubbled Under” 1959-1976

It’s almost impossible to fathom now, but at one time in the United States, tiny “indie” labels could actually get their records played on the radio.  This period was a narrow window of time, as predictably (and inevitably), the major labels would consolidate their hold on the marketplace by effectively

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"Silver Springs"

“Silver Springs” Maryland: Musically Unincorporated

I was recently reminded that Stevie Nicks wrote a song in 1976 that was intended for Fleetwood Mac‘s multi-platinum (i.e., 40+ million) Rumours album but, in the end, used only as a B-side.  This song, interestingly enough, is named for the place where my children were born and educated —

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B-side breakout hits

B-Side Breakout Hits & CKLW

Besides “Tequila” by The Champs, I know of one other instance where an A-side was roundly disregarded in favor of its B-side.  As Robert Pruter, R&B editor for Goldmine, writes in the accompanying notes to the Atlantic soul music anthology, The Golden Age of Black Music (1970-1975): King Floyd‘s “Groove

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